Solar Carport: Autonomous charging station for electric vehicles
Fot. Saule Technologies

Solar Carport: Autonomous charging station for electric vehicles


Solar Carport is an autonomous charging station for electric vehicles that does not require an external power supply. It has an integrated photovoltaic installation containing 12 photovoltaic modules with a total nominal power of 3.36 kW.

Currently, the garage has 12 photovoltaic panels made of silicon, but next year it will be possible to order it in a perovskite version (Solar Carport 2.0).

Solar Carport 2.0 in the premium version is to have 30 m2 of photovoltaic modules based on perovskites integrated in four walls. With an assumed efficiency of 16%, this means approximately 2,600 kWh of additional energy produced per year.

Fot. Saule Technologies

Fot. Saule Technologies

Prognoza produkcji energii z poszczególnych fotowoltaicznych ścian carportu w kWh: ściana zachodnia - kolor czerwony, ściana wschodnia - kolor zielony, ściana frontowa (południowa) - kolor niebieski, ściana tylna (północna) - kolor fioletowy, całkowity uzysk energii - kolor czarny. Fot. Saule Technologies

Forecast of energy production from individual photovoltaic carport walls in kWh: west wall – red, eastern wall – green, front (south) wall – blue, rear (north) wall – purple, total energy yield – black. Photo: Saule Technologies

Forecast of energy production from individual photovoltaic carport walls in kWh: west wall – red, eastern wall – green, front (south) wall – blue, rear (north) wall – purple, total energy yield – black.

Each of the garage walls can additionally emphasize customized messages / images and thus encourage companies to invest in marketing messages.

Currently, you can order Solar Carport 1.0, which includes 2 silicon photovoltaic modules with a total nominal power of 3.36 kW and batteries based on lithium titanate technology, which ensure fast charging and a lifetime of 20,000. cycles, with little loss of capacity. The station is 5.5 m wide, 6 m long and over 2.3 m high.

Saule Technologies has developed an innovative perovskite-based inkjet printing technology that opens up endless possibilities.

Fot. Saule Technologies

Fot. Saule Technologies