The conference is organised by the Zienkiewicz Institute, Swansea University and the Institute of Physics with support from EPSRC and CCPi Tomographic Imaging.
This consists of a 2-day training course, a 2-day users’ forum and a 1-day R&D collaboration workshop. With keynote speakers, the focus will be on the multi-disciplinary aspects of image-based simulation and their applications in industry.
The focus on the event will be on any aspects of image-based simulation, for example:
- 3D imaging methods (X-ray / neutron tomography, laser scanning etc.)
- 3D image processing and segmentation
- Computer vision
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning
- Image to simulation mesh techniques
- Finite element analysis (FEM/FEA)
- Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
- High-performance computing / supercomputing
- Large-scale scientific visualisation
- Advanced / high value manufacturing
- Industry 4.0
- Smart factories
Who should attend?
This event is intended for academic researchers and industry professionals who are experienced users of image-based simulation or are newly interested in this powerful technique.
Register here to attend this event or there are a small number of grants available by applying here.
➡ More information you will find at: