Automation & production lines
Engineering & 3D design
IT solutions
Energy & Utilities
Automotive Industry
Aerospace industry
Marine & Offshore Industry
Transportation & Logistics
Maintenance outsourcing & component regeneration
Industrial automation / cables & wires / electrotechnics / RFID
Manufacturing logistics
Health and safety
Manufacturing management systems / smart factory / devices & production process monitoring
Sensors / Measurement devices / Vision systems
Actuators / Industrial hydraulics / Pomps / Bearings & Linear technology / Valves
Cranes / Lifting systems / Industrial Manipulators and Material Handling
Compressed air / Drives / Pneumatics / Coolers / Air conditioning
Anticorrosion and Insulation
Risk assessment of machinery based on EN ISO 12100 – when and how to do it?
Cleaning Machine – automation of cleaning in industry
Video material
TECHCODE: RFID intelligent cabinet that identify items
DuPont announces new global portfolio of Kevlar® engineered yarns
A semi-autonomous robot for pressure vessel inspections
Comarch WristBand for the industrial sector – a system for monitoring employee safety