What is PixelPaint? Technology from ABB designed to increase the speed of painting cars and improve durability of painting. Instead of traditional spraying, PixelPaint uses an ink head that eliminates overspray and applies two-tone paint and single patterns in a single pass without masking or masking areas on the bodywork, helping to reduce bottlenecks in car paint shops. This reduces downtime, improves productivity and, what’s more, allows for more personalized paint scheme options.
Millennials’ desire for more customization has increased the demand for custom vehicle paint schemes using a second color, a different paint or a special design application. Individual projects are a time-consuming and labor-intensive process that requires multiple journeys through the painting line and thus wasting 20-30% of the paint on spraying.
This is why PixelPaint was designed. Objective: to reduce the amount of work, waste and costs associated with custom painting work. The solution includes an ink head, a dispensing control package and RobotStudio programming software for two-color and decorative painting.
In today’s highly competitive automotive market, vehicle manufacturers need solutions to help them improve flexibility, performance and cost competitiveness while providing a high-quality paint finish, including bespoke options to meet the growing demand for custom designs.
The technology is available as a cell using two ABB robots. Prints ink directly on the target area with the print head instead of spraying with a conventional atomizer, ensuring 100 percent transfer efficiency. This approach enables paint shop owners to perform custom paint jobs in one pass, significantly reducing cycle times. It also allows you to paint complex patterns in high resolution.